API - Changelog

API v5.5.0 - 09-09-2024 [integrated into current]

  • Picklist costcenters: Fix bug where incorrect costcenters where included in the response set.

API v5.4.3 - 29-08-2024 [integrated into current]

  • General: Improve responses when receiving invalid XML.

API v5.4.2 - 13-05-2024 [integrated into current]

  • Template: Improve default text for offerings on creation of new template.

API v5.4.1 - 24-03-2023 [integrated into current]

  • Invoice add: Added contractcode in xmlresponse where period is marked as locked.

API v5.4.0 - 29-11-2023 [integrated into current]

  • PDF and RTF invoice: Added support for item totals.
  • PDF and RTF invoice: Added support for pagenumbers.
  • PDF and RTF reminder: Added support for item totals.
  • PDF and RTF reminder: Added support for pagenumbers.
  • PDF and RTF packaging slip: Added support for item totals.
  • PDF and RTF packaging slip: Added support for pagenumbers.

API v5.3.3 - 14-11-2023 [integrated into current]

  • Signup: Added support for post signup setup.

API v5.3.2 - 28-08-2023 [integrated into current]

  • Document Get: Relaxed permissions for regular users.

API v5.3.1 - 21-07-2023 [integrated into current]

  • General: Improve support for searchability entry values.

API v5.3.0 - 08-07-2023 [integrated into current]

  • Email Invoice: Added support for SPF settings in template.
  • Email Reminder: Added support for SPF settings in template.
  • Email PDF packing slip: Added support for SPF settings in template.

API v5.2.0 - 17-04-2023 [integrated into current]

  • Invoice Add: Honor locked booking periods.

API v5.1.0 - 12-04-2023 [integrated into current]

  • Subscription Manage: Added support for text field.
  • Picklist subscriptions: Added support for text field.
  • Calculations: Added support for other foreign vat in various reports.
  • Misc: Internal refactorings.

API v5.0.18 - 15-01-2023 [integrated into current]

  • Trips Add: Improve endpoint calculation for tripcompensationtotal.

API v5.0.17 - 23-12-2022 [integrated into current]

  • Trips Add: Updated endpoint to use new fiscal defaults for 2023.

API v5.0.16 - 04-11-2022 [integrated into current]

  • Subscription Manage: Added endpoint to manage subscriptions.
  • Picklist List Subscriptions: Added endpoint to list subscriptions.

API v5.0.15 - 31-10-2022 [integrated into current]

  • Invoice Mail: Bugfix for processing of more than 3 email adresses.

API v5.0.14 - 24-10-2022 [integrated into current]

  • Invoice Add: Bugfix processing of EU country codes on some invoices.

API v5.0.13 - 05-10-2022 [integrated into current]

  • Invoice Add: Bugfix display of country code GB on some invoices.

API v5.0.12 - 03-10-2022 [integrated into current]

  • Packing Slip Email: New endpoint for sending packing slips by email.
  • Documents List: Allow for more flexibility in enlisting shared documents for limited roles.
  • Documents Get: Allow retrieval of internally shared documents for limited roles.
  • Invoice Mail: Added support to include in-Acumulus documents as attachment.

API v5.0.11 - 19-07-2022 [integrated into current]

  • Invoice UBL: Added support for OIN as part of UBL structure.

API v5.0.10 - 14-07-2022 [integrated into current]

  • Invoice UBL: Added support for KVK as part of UBL structure.

API v5.0.9 - 21-06-2022 [integrated into current]

  • Invoice PDF: Minor bugfix for display of contactyourid.
  • Invoice RTF: Minor bugfix for display of contactyourid.
  • Packaging Slip PDF: Minor bugfix for display of contactyourid.
  • Packaging Slip RTF: Minor bugfix for display of contactyourid.

API v5.0.8 - 30-05-2022 [integrated into current]

  • Invoice Mail: Added support for BuyerReference when sending invoice as UBL.

API v5.0.7 - 09-05-2022 [integrated into current]

  • Support Register: Added API to register extended support.
  • My Acumulus: Added information about registered support.

API v5.0.6 - 12-04-2022 [integrated into current]

  • Contact Manage: Added missing warning when using invalid email address.

API v5.0.5 - 16-03-2022 [integrated into current]

  • Invoice Add: Minor bugfix for countrycodes IM, XI and GB.

API v5.0.4 - 21-02-2022 [integrated into current]

  • Invoices: Added support for adres titles.

API v5.0.3 - 18-02-2022 [integrated into current]

  • Generic: Added support for North-Ireland(XI) and Canary Islands(IC).

API v5.0.2 - 18-02-2022 [integrated into current]

  • Invoice Mail: Bugfix the mishandling of a comma when set for email name in template.

API v5.0.1 - 15-02-2022 [integrated into current]

  • Invoice Mail: Added support for valuta display choice in invoicetemplate.
  • Invoice Mail: Added support for decimal rounding to 5cents when explicitly set in entry.
  • Invoice Mail: Added support for backgrounds in follow-up pages.
  • Invoice Mail: Added support display of 2nd address through template.
  • Invoice Mail: Added support for sending invoice as UBL.
  • Invoice Mail: Fallback based on values in template for subject when left empty.
  • PDF Packaging Slip: Apply correct fontcolor to first item on next page.
  • PDF Packaging Slip: Improve font weight for document title.
  • PDF Packaging Slip: Added support for backgrounds in follow-up pages.
  • PDF Packaging Slip: Improve document naming scheme to match related documents.
  • PDF Packaging Slip: Added support for gfx=0 to exclude embedded background images.
  • PDF Packaging Slip: Bugfix trunking of slip remarks when hitting end of page.
  • PDF Packaging Slip: Remove <packingslip> xml-node for error responses.
  • PDF Packaging Slip: Added support display of 2nd address through template.
  • PDF Packaging Slip: Removed white drawing artefact above column header.
  • RTF Packaging Slip: Added new endpoint to retrieve RTF-version of packaging slip.
  • Invoice PDF: Added support for backgrounds in follow-up pages.
  • Invoice PDF: Added country code identifier to total VAT when applying EU-VAT.
  • Invoice PDF: Be more relaxed on allowed filename characters.
  • Invoice PDF: Apply correct fontcolor to first item on next page.
  • Invoice PDF: Added invoicetype GET-parameter to retrieve PDF as reminder-invoice.
  • Invoice PDF: Added support display of 2nd address through template.
  • Invoice PDF: Improved routine for detecting invoicelines overflowing footer.
  • Expense Add: Bugfix missing error response when using an invalid accountnumber.
  • Invoice Add: Bugfix missing vat calculation for items in vatype 5 with costprice 0 and vatrate 0.
  • Invoice Add: Bugfix incorrect vat calculation for items sold at a loss having a costprice higher than subtotal of unitprice times quantity.
  • Invoice Add: Improve documentation on costprice.
  • Invoice Add: Added support for contact telephone2.
  • Invoice Add: Added support for contact website.
  • Invoice Add: Throw error instead of warning when provided contactid is invalid.
  • Invoice Add: Improve documentation on overwriteifexists.
  • Invoice Add: Treat invoice number 0 as empty and fallback to defaults.
  • Invoice Add: Added support for countryautoname.
  • Invoice Add: Added support for countryautonamelang.
  • Invoice Add: Deprecate string based costcenter.
  • Invoice Add: Deprecate string based accountnumber.
  • Invoice Add: Deprecate string based template.
  • Invoice Add: Throw error instead of warning for invalid vattype and issuedate combination.
  • Invoice Add: Throw error instead of warning + correction guess invalid EU-vatrates.
  • Invoice Add: Remove fallback to NL and throw error for invalid countrycodes.
  • Invoice Add: Enriched feedback with contextual xml-nodes in responses for various errors and warnings.
  • Invoice Add: Throw error when triggering a contact-type change when instructed to prohibit changes.
  • Invoice Add: Accept valid concepttype value 3 and no longer fallback to 0.
  • Invoice Add: Added support for various alt* nodes to support alternative address.
  • Invoice Add: Bugfix empty response when submitting duplicate emailaspdf sections.
  • Invoice Add: Honor template setting for filename when using emailaspdf.
  • Invoice Add: Added support for sending invoice as UBL.
  • Report Tax: Improve rounding in section 3a and 3b for countrycode NL.
  • Connector: Added sourceuri as reference to entry notes where applicable.
  • All API: Change Reply-To: for API system messages to avoid backscatter.
  • Product Manage: Endpoint added to support management of default products and services.
  • Lookup VAT Info: Added countryregion to response.
  • Picklist Payment Profiles: Endpoint added to retrieve payment profiles and their identifiers.
  • Picklist Discount Profiles: Endpoint added to retrieve discount profiles and their identifiers.
  • Picklist Documents: Endpoint added to retrieve list of available documents and their identifiers.
  • Document Get: Endpoint added for direct file download.
  • Invoice RTF: Added new endpoint to retrieve RTF-version of invoice.
  • Invoice All: Fallback based on values in template for subject when left empty.

API v4.21.0 - 05-10-2021 [integrated into current]

  • Contact Get: Added support for various contactalt* nodes to support alternative address.
  • Contact Manage: Added support for various contactalt* nodes to support alternative address.
  • Contact Manage: Improve contacttype fallback to when submitting wrong values.

API v4.20.9 - 14-09-2021 [integrated into current]

  • Invoice PDF: Added invoicetype GET-parameter to retrieve PDF as reminder-invoice.

API v4.20.8 - 26-08-2021 [integrated into current]

  • Project Manage: Added support for \n and \t in projectnotes.
  • Project Item Manage: Added support for \n and \t in projectitemnotes.

API v4.20.7 - 16-08-2021 [integrated into current]

  • Contacts List: Bugfix missing inactive contacts when using filter.
  • Contacts List: Language-correction for contactvattype and contactvattypenl when using filter.
  • Contacts List: Renamed xml-node contactvattype to contactvattypeen for describing the contactvattypeid.
  • Contact get: Renamed duplicate xml-node contactvattype to contactvattypeen for describing the contactvattypeid.

API v4.20.6 - 05-06-2021 [integrated into current]

  • Invoice Add: Added vattypeid to differentiate between tax exempt and taxable for customer.

API v4.20.5 - 04-05-2021 [integrated into current]

  • Project Item Manage: Accept projectitemstatusid for expense and non-billable.

API v4.20.4 - 15-04-2021 [integrated into current]

  • Report EU eCommerce Threshold: New endpoint to provide information about threshold levels EU eCommerce directive regarding foreign VAT.

API v4.20.3 - 12-04-2021 [integrated into current]

  • Invoice Add: Improve country assignment for post Brexit GB contacts.

API v4.20.2 - 08-04-2021 [integrated into current]

  • Invoice Paymentstatus Set: Dropped feature for updating textarea, now part of integrated logtab.

API v4.20.1 - 29-03-2021 [integrated into current]

  • Contact Get: Added contactvattypeid, contactvattype (please note release 4.20.7!) and contactvattypenl.
  • Contact Manage: Added contactvattypeid.
  • Contacts List: Added contactvattypeid, contactvattype (please note release 4.20.7!) and contactvattypenl.
  • Expense Add: Added vattypeid to differentiate between tax exempt and taxable.

API v4.20.0 - 07-03-2021 [integrated into current]

  • Expense Add: Added support for explicit contactid. Overrulling possible contact detection based on other parameters.
  • Expense Add: Added support for recurring investments.
  • Expense Add: Added support for contacts with multiple emailadresses.
  • Expense Add: Added support for 2nd telephone number in contacts.
  • Expense Add: Added support amountinclvat.
  • Expense Add: Added support testmode.
  • Expense Add: Ignore disablelimiteddeduction for VPB-obliged companies.
  • Expense Add: Limit usage of privatepercentage to applicable company types.
  • Expense Add: Limit recurrences to year of issuedate.
  • Expense Add: Limit scrapvalue to 2 decimals max.
  • Expense Add: Throw error instead of warning for invalid combinations of costheading and investment.
  • Expense Add: Bugfix for limiteddeduction tarifs.
  • Expense Add: Documentation fix writeoffyears.

API v4.19.5 - 15-02-2021 [integrated into current]

  • Expense Add: Bugfix limiteddeduction tarif.

API v4.19.4 - 29-01-2021 [integrated into current]

  • Invoice Add: Bugfix display of bankaccount in email when used from template.

API v4.19.3 - 15-01-2021 [integrated into current]

  • Improved feedback when receiving invalid XML.
  • Report Per Country: Added API to retrieve turnovers and taxes for EU-non-NL countries.

API v4.19.2 - 15-12-2020 [integrated into current]

  • Picklist Accounts: Added accountorder.
  • Picklist Accounts: Added accounttypeid.
  • Picklist Account Types: Added picklist to reflect account types.
  • Lookup VAT: No longer respond with details for NL when providing incorrect country.
  • Account Manage: Added accounttypeid to documentation.
  • Account Manage: Bugfix regeneration of accountorderid on update of account.

API v4.19.1 - 14-12-2020 [integrated into current]

  • Stock Add: Bugfix stockamount in response to reflect stocklevel.

API v4.19.0 - 22-11-2020 [integrated into current]

  • Entry update: Improve warning message when file limits are reached.
  • Invoice Add: Improve fiscal positioning on invoices with foreign EU VAT as of 01-01-2021.
  • Private Transfer Add: New endpoint to register private transfers.
  • List Projects: Added projectypeid as filter.
  • List Projects: Added projectypeid to response.
  • Picklist Products: Added productstockamount.
  • Contact Manage: Bugfix storage of contactprivaterate.

API v4.18.3 - 03-11-2020 [integrated into current]

  • My Acumulus: Bugfix myentries, myentriesleft on trial accounts.
  • My Acumulus: Added indicator for open balance.
  • Entries List Recent: Added support for polaritynl.

API v4.18.2 - 12-10-2020 [integrated into current]

  • Project Item Manage: Bugfix incorrect refusal of supplied but empty projectitementryid xml node.

API v4.18.1 - 30-09-2020 [integrated into current]

  • Invoice Add: Added support for contactid in response.

API v4.18.0 - 28-09-2020 [integrated into current]

  • Contacts Manage: Added support for inodes.
  • Contacts Manage: Added support for testmode.
  • Contacts Manage: Added support for comma or semicolon separated email adresses.
  • Contacts Manage: Added support for mixed VAT in contactvatratebase.
  • Contacts Manage: Added support for contactwebsite.
  • Contacts Manage: Added support for contactbankaccountnumber.
  • Contacts Manage: Added support for contactentrydescription.
  • Contacts Manage: Added support for contactprivaterate.
  • Contacts Manage: Added support for contactinvoicetemplateid.
  • Contacts Manage: Added support for contactcostheadingid.
  • Contacts Manage: Added support for contactcostcenterid.
  • Contacts Manage: Added support for contactbankaccountid.
  • Contacts Manage: Added support for contactproc testmode and unchanged results.
  • Contacts Manage: Automatic contactlocationcode (xml-node submit obsoleted).
  • Contacts Manage: Various documentation updates.

API v4.17.0 - 26-09-2020 [integrated into current]

  • Internal code refactoring.

API v4.16.11 - 22-09-2020 [integrated into current]

  • Misc My Acumulus: Added support for myentries.

API v4.16.10 - 21-09-2020 [integrated into current]

  • Contacts list incoming invoices: Added support for inodes.
  • Contacts list incoming invoices: Added support for invoicenoteextend.
  • Contacts list incoming invoices: Added support for accountid.
  • Contacts list incoming invoices: Added support for costcenterid.
  • Contacts list incoming invoices: Added support for costheadingid.
  • Contacts list outgoing invoices: Added support for inodes.
  • Contacts list outgoing invoices: Added support for invoicenoteextend.
  • Contacts list outgoing invoices: Added support for accountid.
  • Contacts list outgoing invoices: Added support for costcenterid.
  • Contacts list outgoing invoices: Added support for costheadingid.
  • Contacts list outgoing invoices: Added support for invoicelayoutid.

API v4.16.9 - 20-09-2020 [integrated into current]

  • Misc My Acumulus: Added support for inodes.
  • Misc My Acumulus: Added support for mysalutation.
  • Misc My Acumulus: Added support for myvatnumber.
  • Misc My Acumulus: Added support for mystatusid.
  • Misc My Acumulus: Added support for myemailstatusid.
  • Misc My Acumulus: Added support for myemailstatusreferenceid.
  • Misc My Acumulus: Added support for mymaxentries.
  • Misc My Acumulus: Added support for myentriesleft.

API v4.16.8 - 19-09-2020 [integrated into current]

  • Misc About: Documentation fixes.
  • Misc About: Improve warning message.
  • Misc About: Added support for inodes.
  • Misc About: Added support for roleapi identifier.
  • Misc About: Added support for all authenticated users.

API v4.16.7 - 07-09-2020 [integrated into current]

  • Projectitem Manage: Drop mandatory projectitemenddate and use current date as fallback.
  • Projectitem Manage: Drop mandatory projectitemstartdate and use current date as fallback.
  • Projectitem Manage: Added support for inodes.
  • Projectitem Manage: Added complete set of xml nodes to response.
  • Projectitem Manage: Documentation updates.

API v4.16.6 - 03-09-2020 [integrated into current]

  • Contact Manage: Improve handling of contacttelephone2

API v4.16.5 - 26-08-2020 [integrated into current]

  • PDF Packaging Slip: Added support for improved precision in amount.

API v4.16.4 - 07-08-2020 [integrated into current]

  • Various: Added support for additional phonenumber. [Undocumented] contacttelephone2.

API v4.16.3 - 04-08-2020 [integrated into current]

  • Contacts list: Added support for adres-matching inside the filter.

API v4.16.2 - 18-07-2020 [integrated into current]

  • Local Transfer: Added support for account outside Acumulus.

API v4.16.1 - 14-07-2020 [integrated into current]

  • Project Manage: Added support for inodes.
  • Project Manage: Added support for project budgets.

API v4.16.0 - 28-06-2020 [integrated into current]

  • Transactions Add: Bugfix time to use 24h format instead of 12h format.
  • Transactions Add: Added support for inodes.
  • Transactions Add: Speed improvements for larger import sets.
  • Transactions Add: Apply read-only when applicable.
  • Stock Add: Apply read-only when applicable.
  • Local Transfer Add: Bugfix remark in notes.

API v4.15.9 - 24-06-2020 [integrated into current]

  • Report Tripcompensations: Added support for inodes.

API v4.15.8 - 23-06-2020 [integrated into current]

  • Report Tax: Added support for optional costcenterid.

API v4.15.7 - 22-06-2020 [integrated into current]

  • My Acumulus: Further improvement of mycontractenddate for trial accounts.
  • Picklist Project Items: Added support for order.
  • Report Profit Per Month: Bugfix maxpositive when totalnetprofit exceeds value of maxpositive.

API v4.15.6 - 03-06-2020 [integrated into current]

  • Report Tax: Added support for turnover.
  • My Acumulus: Fix mycontractenddate when not available.
  • Sign Up: Minor cleanup.

API v4.15.5 - 29-05-2020 [integrated into current]

  • Report Account Balances: Added support for inodes.
  • Report Account Balances: Correct accountbalancestotal based on account preferences.
  • Entry Update: Added support for costcenterid.
  • Entry Update: Fix missing paymentdate in entry log when modified.

API v4.15.4 - 28-05-2020 [integrated into current]

  • Entry Info: Improve formatting on values.
  • Entry Info: Bugfix missing totalvalue for trip compensations

API v4.15.3 - 27-05-2020 [integrated into current]

  • Report Tax: Added endpoint with tax totals.
  • Report Unpaid: Added faster endpoint with minified view on totals unpaid debtors and creditors.

API v4.15.2 - 21-05-2020 [integrated into current]

  • Signup: Improve creation of default bankaccount when signing up.
  • Signup: Added support for companytypeid.
  • Picklist Companytypes: Added picklist for company types.

API v4.15.2 - 21-05-2020 [integrated into current]

  • Signup: Added contractstartdate en contractenddate to response.
  • General About: Remove deprecated nodes tree, status and usability.

API v4.15.1 - 20-05-2020 [integrated into current]

  • Expense add: Bugfix adding contact when minimal information is supplied.
  • Reports Profits Per Month: Speed improvements.
  • Reports Profits Per Month: Bugfix maxnegative.
  • Reports Profits Per Month: Fallback to current year without warning.
  • Reports Profits Per Month: Added support voor inodes.

API v4.15.0 - 19-05-2020 [integrated into current]

  • Account Manage: Added support for inodes.
  • Account Manage: Added support for accounttypeid.
  • Account Manage: Improve automatic generation of accountorderid.
  • Report Unpaid Debtors: Added contactemail to response.

API v4.14.0 - 11-05-2020 [integrated into current]

  • Contacts List: Added support for onodes.
  • Report Unpaid Creditors: Added support for entrydescription.

API v4.13.0 - 06-05-2020 [integrated into current]

  • Invoice Add: Bugfix nature when submitting as as concept.
  • Trip Compensations: Display date in proper YYYY-MM-DD format.

API v4.12.1 - 29-04-2020 [integrated into current]

  • Entries List Recent: Bugfix totalvalue for entry types related to tax payments.
  • Picklist Vattypes: Drop auth requirements for this endpoint.
  • Signup: Added generation of initial invoice images.

API v4.12.0 - 21-04-2020 [integrated into current]

  • Signup: Added API endpoint for signups.

API v4.11.0 - 20-04-2020 [integrated into current]

  • Entry Info: Added support for document information.
  • Entries List Recent: Added support for totaldocs.
  • Generic: Bugfix some missing values where 0.00 is applicable.

API v4.10.1 - 16-04-2020 [integrated into current]

  • Entry Info: Bugfix remark for template on non-invoices.
  • Entry Info: Added entrytypeid.

API v4.10.0 - 06-04-2020 [integrated into current]

  • Invoice PDF: Improved support for eurosymbol.
  • Invoice PDF: Bugfix wrong fallback to Garamond styled font.
  • Delivery Note PDF: Bugfix wrong fallback to Garamond styled font.

API v4.9.4 - 31-03-2020 [integrated into current]

  • Invoice PDF: Added support for account outside of Acumulus.

API v4.9.3 - 18-03-2020 [integrated into current]

  • Entry Update: Remove illogic reset to preferred accountnumber when omitted or empty.

API v4.9.2 - 18-03-2020 [integrated into current]

  • Trip Add: Documentation fix on nested trip node.
  • Trip Add: Added support for inodes.
  • Trip Add: Added support for log references in entry.
  • Entry Update: Change Warning response from 400 Bad Request to 299 Miscellaneous.
  • Lookup Vatinfo: Added support for inodes.
  • Stock Add Transaction: Added support for inodes.
  • Stock Add Transaction: Minor documentation fixes.
  • Stock Add Transaction: Improve code message in response for locked dates.

API v4.9.1 - 15-03-2020 [integrated into current]

  • Picklist Producttags: Added support for inodes.
  • Picklist Producttags: Added support for producttagnamenl.
  • Picklist Projectitems: Added support for inodes.
  • Picklist Projectitems: Added support for projectitemnaturenl.
  • Picklist Projectitems: Added support for projectitemstatus.
  • Picklist Projectitems: Added support for projectitemstatusnl.
  • Picklist Projectitems: Added support for expenses linked to project.
  • Picklist Projectitems: Added support for non billables linked to project.

API v4.9.0 - 11-03-2020 [integrated into current]

  • General: Some internal restructuring.
  • Entry Info: Namefix costheadingid.

API v4.8.5 - 09-03-2020 [integrated into current]

  • Entry Update: Bugfix validation on paymentstatus.
  • Entry Update: Improved transation on warning messages.
  • Entry Deletestatus Set: Bugfix parsing of undelete status.

API v4.8.4 - 05-03-2020 [integrated into current]

  • Picklist Products: added support for inodes parameter.
  • Picklist Products: added support for rowcount parameter.
  • Picklist Products: added support for filter parameter.
  • Picklist Products: added support for offset parameter.

API v4.8.3 - 04-03-2020 [integrated into current]

  • General: Bugfix occassional empty HTTP-Response messages.

API v4.8.2 - 02-03-2020 [integrated into current]

  • Contacts List: Added support for inodes parameter.
  • Contacts List: Added contacttypenamenl to response.
  • Contact Get: Added bankaccountid to response.
  • Contact Get: Enhance error message when retrieving invalid contactid.

API v4.8.1 - 28-02-2020 [integrated into current]

  • Report Unpaid Debtors: Added support for due=2 parameter option.
  • Report Unpaid Debtors: Added accountdescription to response.
  • Report Unpaid Debtors: Added support for inodes parameter.
  • Report Unpaid Debtors: Improved contactname.
  • Report Unpaid Debtors: Removed support for year from submit.

API v4.8.0 - 26-02-2020 [integrated into current]

  • Report Unpaid Debtors: Updated issuedate to YYYY-MM-DD format.
  • Report Unpaid Debtors: Updated expirationdate to YYYY-MM-DD format.
  • Report Unpaid Creditors: Updated issuedate to YYYY-MM-DD format.
  • Report Unpaid Creditors: Added accountdescription to response.
  • Report Unpaid Creditors: Added support for inodes parameter.
  • Report Unpaid Creditors: Improved contactname.
  • Report Unpaid Creditors: Removed unused token from response.
  • Report Unpaid Creditors: Removed support for year from submit.

API v4.7.7 - 25-02-2020 [integrated into current]

  • Picklist Projects: Added projectbudget to response.
  • Picklist Projects: Added projectbudgetmins to response.
  • Picklist Projects: Added support for inodes parameter.
  • Picklist Countries: Added countryid to response.
  • Picklist Countries: Added countrycode3 to response.
  • Picklist Countries: Added support for inodes parameter.
  • Picklist VAT-types: Added vattypenamenl to response.
  • Picklist VAT-types: Revised descriptions.
  • Picklist VAT-types: Added support for inodes parameter.

API v4.7.6 - 21-02-2020 [integrated into current]

  • Contact Get: Added support for inodes parameter to reduce data payload in response.
  • Contact Get: Added support for contactbankaccountid.
  • Contact Get: Added support for contactcostcenterid.
  • Contact Get: Added support for contactcountryid.
  • Contact Get: Added support for contactcountrytypeid.
  • Contact Get: Added support for entrydescription.
  • Contact Get: Added support for contacttypenamenl.
  • Contact Get: Added support for contactprivaterate.
  • Contact Get: Removed support for obsolete contacttypeid.

API v4.7.5 - 20-02-2020 [integrated into current]

  • Expense Add: Added support for account outside Acumulus.
  • Report unpaid debtors: Bugfix sporadic incorrect invoicenote.

API v4.7.4 - 17-02-2020 [integrated into current]

  • Entry Get: Bugfix missing invoicetemplate on inode usage.
  • Report Unpaid Debtors: Added invoicenote to response.

API v4.7.3 - 14-02-2020 [integrated into current]

  • Picklist Invoicetemplates: Improved natural sorting.
  • General: Bugfix missing status in response introduced in v4.7.2.

API v4.7.2 - 14-02-2020 [integrated into current]

  • Picklist Costheadings: Added costheadingfrule.
  • Picklist Costheadings: Added support for inodes parameter.

API v4.7.1 - 13-02-2020 [integrated into current]

  • Entry Update: Minor bugfix when receiving empty projectid.
  • Picklist Contact Types: Added language support for responses.
  • Picklist Contact Types: Added contacttypenamenl.
  • Picklist Contact Types: Added support for inodes parameter to reduce data payload in response.
  • List Accounts: Added language support for responses.
  • List Accounts: Added proper http status codes to responses.
  • List Accounts: Added more natural sorting order.
  • List Accounts: Added support for inodes parameter to reduce data payload in response.
  • List Accounts: Added support for accounttypeid.
  • Picklist Concept Types: Added language support for responses.
  • Picklist Concept Types: Added concepttypenamenl.
  • Picklist Concept Types: Bugfixed missing concept type in output.
  • Picklist Concept Types: Added support for inodes parameter to reduce data payload in response.

API v4.7.0 - 11-02-2020 [integrated into current]

  • Authentication: Added support optional user specific API-credentials.
  • Authentication: Removal of older authentication model.
  • Entry Get: Added language support for responses.
  • Entry Get: Removed obsolete fiscaltype.
  • Entry Get: Added support for log-information about entry history.
  • Entry Get: Added proper http status codes to responses.
  • Entry Get: Added support for inodes parameter to reduce data payload in response.
  • Entry Delete status: Added language support for responses.
  • Entry Delete status: Added proper http status codes to responses.
  • Entry Delete status: Added support for inodes parameter to reduce data payload in response.
  • Entry Delete status: Added entryproc for undeletes in response.
  • Entry Update: Added language support for responses.
  • Entry Update: Added support for testmode.
  • Entry Update: Added keywords for deletion and non-updates to entryproc.
  • Entry Update: Added proper http status codes to responses.
  • Entry Update: Added support for inodes parameter to reduce data payload in response.

API v4.6.6 - 28-01-2020 [integrated into current]

  • Generic: Add support for additional authorization

API v4.6.5 - 24-01-2020 [integrated into current]

  • Expense Add: Improve pattern matching on accountnumber
  • Contacts List: Extended option for contacttype to have more fine grained results

API v4.6.4 - 06-01-2020 [integrated into current]

  • Entry Update: Bugfix parsing original notes.
  • Invoice Paymentstatus Set: Bugfix parsing original notes.

API v4.6.3 - 03-01-2020 [integrated into current]

  • Invoice Add: Added logging to reflect e-mail messages in desktop display.

API v4.6.2 - 25-12-2019 [integrated into current]

  • Accounts Manage: Bugfix incorrect handling of initial accountstatus.

API v4.6.1 - 24-12-2019 [integrated into current]

  • Invoice Add: Preserve invoice notes when commited as concept.

API v4.6.0 - 24-12-2019 [integrated into current]

  • Transfers: Local Transfer Add: New API to add local internal transfers.

API v4.5.0 - 17-12-2019 [integrated into current]

  • Transactions Add: New API to add PSD2 or regular transactions.

API v4.4.6 - 22-11-2019 [integrated into current]

  • Invoice PDF: Bugfix token filter.
  • Delivery note PDF: Bugfix token filter.
  • Partner API: Minor refactoring.

API v4.4.5 - 25-10-2019 [integrated into current]

  • Invoice Concept Info: Re-added error-message and different response for various convertion states.

API v4.4.4 - 24-09-2019 [integrated into current]

  • Invoice Add: Minor update in contact handling.

API v4.4.3 - 04-09-2019 [integrated into current]

  • Invoice Add: Minor update in contact handling.

API v4.4.2 - 26-08-2019 [integrated into current]

  • Invoice Concept Info: Removal of error email when requesting unknown conceptid.

API v4.4.1 - 19-08-2019 [integrated into current]

  • Invoice Add: Fallback to customer configured accountnumber when omitted or empty for (concept) invoices.

API v4.4.0 - 30-07-2019 [integrated into current]

  • Invoice Add: Added support for locked dates and periods.
  • Trip Add: Added support for locked dates and periods.
  • Expense Add: Added support for locked dates and periods.
  • Entry Update: Added support for locked dates and periods.
  • Entry Set Delete Status: Added support for locked dates and periods.
  • Invoice Paymentstatus Set: Added support for locked dates and periods.
  • Stock Transaction Add: Added support for locked dates and periods.

API v4.3.0 - 22-07-2019 [integrated into current]

  • Invoice Add: Provide conceptid xmlnode in response when adding invoice as concept.
  • Invoice Concept Info: Added API to provide entryid or entryid's for given conceptid when available.

API v4.2.2 - 18-07-2019 [integrated into current]

  • Invoice Add: Fallback to customer configured template when template omitted or empty for concept invoices.

API v4.2.1 - 17-07-2019 [integrated into current]

  • Packaging slip PDF: Minor bugfix for specific restored invoices.
  • Invoice Add: Bugfix false positives warning introduced for on-compatible customer type of creditor in concepts.
  • Entry delete status: Added missing delete markers for recent integrations.

API v4.2.0 - 16-07-2019 [integrated into current]

  • Invoice Add: Provide warning when adding concept for non-compatible customer type of creditor.
  • Invoice Add: Fallback to customer configured template when template omitted or empty.

API v4.1.2 - 10-05-2019 [integrated into current]

  • Entry info: Added total foreign VAT where applicable.

API v4.1.1 - 27-03-2019 [integrated into current]

  • Expense add: Minor bugfix 6% expenses.
  • Invoice PDF: Added support for project-reference through templates.
  • Delivery note PDF: Added support for project-reference through templates.

API v4.1.0 - 20-12-2018 [integrated into current]

  • General: Added support for 9% VAT.

API v4.0.2 - 22-11-2018 [integrated into current]

  • General: Added support for xmlfiles HTTP-auth like:
    https://user:password@domein.nl/my/xmlfile.xml .

API v4.0.1 - 21-11-2018 [integrated into current]

  • Picklist costheadings: Added support for the additional five free costheadings.

API v4.0.0 - 31-08-2018 [integrated into current]

  • All API: Added support for new API user roles.
  • All API: Blacklisted problematic email adresses.
  • General about: Added role xmlnode.
  • General about: Added roleid xmlnode.
  • General about: Added warning when using non API user role.
  • General about: Marked tree xmlnode as deprecated.
  • General about: Marked usability xmlnode as deprecated.
  • Updated documentation to match role restrictions.

API v3.7.1 - 19-07-2018 [integrated into current]

  • Invoice PDF: Align when lines above address is 0.
  • Delivery note PDF: Align when lines above address is 0.

API v3.7.0 - 27-06-2018 [integrated into current]

  • Invoice Add: No longer clear empty or missing values when using overwriteifexists.
  • System: Added minor change to clean up slightly invalid supplied XML.

API v3.6.1 - 26-05-2018 [integrated into current]

  • Entry info: Added payment token to response.

API v3.6.0 - 16-05-2018 [integrated into current]

  • Invoice PDF: Fix erroneous offset when using gfx=0 argument.

API v3.5.1 - 14-05-2018 [integrated into current]

  • Report Tripcompensations: Fix compensation amount and km not to be cumulatives.

API v3.5.0 - 05-04-2018 [integrated into current]

  • Entry Update: Added payment status support.
  • Entry Update: Added payment date support.
  • Entry Update: Added various fields from input to response.

API v3.4.6 - 05-04-2018 [integrated into current]

  • Invoice Add: Added missing vattype when adding invoice as concept.

API v3.4.5 - 29-03-2018 [integrated into current]

  • Invoice PDF: Added automatic postalcode and city ordering for specific countries.
  • Packaging slip: Added automatic postalcode and city ordering for specific countries.

API v3.4.4 - 01-03-2018 [integrated into current]

  • Expense Add: Added entryid to response.

API v3.4.3 - 21-02-2018 [integrated into current]

  • Invoice Get Payment status: Added entryid to response.
  • Invoice Set Payment status: Added paymentdate to response.

API v3.4.2 - 22-01-2018 [integrated into current]

  • System: Block problematic WooCommerce plugin 5.0.3.

API v3.4.1 - 22-11-2017 [integrated into current]

  • Invoice PDF: Added support for invoice number prefix and suffix.
  • Invoice mail PDF: Added support for invoice number prefix and suffix.

API v3.4.0 - 01-11-2017 [integrated into current]

  • Invoice PDF: Change display mode to viewer preference.
  • Packing slip PDF: Change display mode to viewer preference.

API v3.3.29 - 26-10-2017 [integrated into current]

  • Invoice mail: Fix reminder field reflection.

API v3.3.28 - 03-10-2017 [integrated into current]

  • Invoice reminder PDF: Fix text field reflection.

API v3.3.27 - 28-09-2017 [integrated into current]

  • Invoice reminder PDF: Fix title field reflection.

API v3.3.26 - 19-09-2017 [integrated into current]

  • Platform release: Discontinued < TLS 1.2.

API v3.3.26 - 13-09-2017 [integrated into current]

  • Featureless release. Minor refactoring.

API v3.3.25 - 05-09-2017 [integrated into current]

  • Contacts list outgoing invoices: Bugfix description.
  • Contacts list incoming invoices: Bugfix description.

API v3.3.24 - 27-07-2017 [integrated into current]

  • Invoice PDF: Added support for custom payment link markup.

API v3.3.23 - 15-07-2017 [integrated into current]

  • Invoice paymentstatus get: Minor code refactoring.
  • Invoice paymentstatus set: Minor code refactoring.

API v3.3.22 - 14-07-2017 [integrated into current]

  • Projectitem Manage: Typo bugfix for item deletion.

API v3.3.21 - 11-07-2017 [integrated into current]

  • Invoice PDF: Added support for total_xx template fields.
  • Invoice mail: Added support for total_xx template fields.
  • Invoice add: Added support for total_xx template fields.

API v3.3.20 - 08-07-2017 [integrated into current]

  • Projectitem picklist: Mask linked expenses .

API v3.3.19 - 05-07-2017 [integrated into current]

  • My Acumulus: Added usertype to response.

API v3.3.18 - 22-06-2017 [integrated into current]

  • Invoice PDF: Unified supporting text for iDEAL link.
  • Invoice PDF: Added support for value-free invoicelines acting as comments.
  • Invoice PDF: Aligned formatting for quantity with amounts.

API v3.3.17 - 05-04-2017 [integrated into current]

  • Stock add: Added API for managing stock and availability modifications on products.

API v3.3.16 - 29-03-2017 [integrated into current]

  • Invoice add: Bugfix code to properly translate ideal-link in email.
  • Invoice PDF: Added support for margeregeling field translation.

API v3.3.15 - 18-03-2017 [integrated into current]

  • Featureless release: St Patricks changes.

API v3.3.14 - 18-01-2017 [integrated into current]

  • PDF invoice: Added support for plain invoices using optional gfx GET-parameter.

API v3.3.13 - 10-01-2017 [integrated into current]

  • Report tripcompensations: Added API-call.
  • PDF invoice: Align strip of decimals with desktop version.

API v3.3.12 - 09-01-2017 [integrated into current]

  • Invoice Add: Update clear contact IBAN when applicable/invalid.
  • Contact Manage: Update or clear contact IBAN when applicable/invalid.
  • Expense Add: Update or clear contact IBAN when applicable/invalid.

API v3.3.11 - 06-01-2017 [integrated into current]

  • Invoice Add: Bugfix where quantity equals 0.

API v3.3.10 - 07-12-2016 [integrated into current]

  • Invoice Add: Fixed over-aggressive sanitizing on some contact details.
  • Entry Update: Improve XML output when not supplying an entryfile.
  • Minor authentication enhancement.

API v3.3.9 - 05-12-2016 [integrated into current]

  • Invoice Add: Removed warning on empty customer email address.
  • Invoice Add: Improved type determination when updating known contact.
  • Minor authentication enhancement.

API v3.3.8 - 15-11-2016 [integrated into current]

  • Picklist products: Added support for product hash.
  • Picklist products: Remove bogus 0 when no associated contact available.

API v3.3.7 - 09-11-2016 [integrated into current]

  • Invoice get PDF: Added support for custom filenames through templates.
  • Invoice mail: Added support for custom filenames through templates.
  • Packing slip get PDF: Added support for custom filenames through templates.

API v3.3.6 - 07-11-2016 [integrated into current]

  • Invoice get PDF: Added error message instead of silent stop when requested sporadic removed template.
  • Invoice mail: Added error message instead of silent stop when requested sporadic removed template.
  • Packing slip get PDF: Added error message instead of silent stop when requested sporadic removed template.

API v3.3.5 - 05-10-2016 [integrated into current]

  • Invoice add: Added support for contactstatus.

API v3.3.4 - 26-09-2016 [integrated into current]

  • Contacts list: Added support for match against postal-code.
  • Contacts list: Minor documentation enhancement.

API v3.3.3 - 21-09-2016 [integrated into current]

  • Invoice PDF: Added support for absolute total field in translations.
  • Invoice add: Added support for absolute total field in translations.
  • Invoice mail: Added support for absolute total field in translations.

API v3.3.2 - 05-09-2016 [integrated into current]

  • Picklist projects: Added optional projectstatus parameter to limit listed projects.
  • Invoice PDF: Added missing customer IBAN translation support.

API v3.3.1 - 13-07-2016 [integrated into current]

  • Entry update: Improved POLA-handling when omitting invoicetemplateid.

API v3.3.0 - 12-07-2016 [integrated into current]

  • Entry update: Added support for uploading files using XML.

API v3.2.3 - 21-06-2016 [integrated into current]

  • Packaging slip: Improved support for custom fields Allowing better translations.

API v3.2.2 - 05-06-2016 [integrated into current]

  • Packaging slip: Improved XML response when requesting a removed packaging slip.

API v3.2.1 - 10-05-2016 [integrated into current]

  • Invoice mail: Added support for new extended descriptiontext field.
  • Invoice add: Added support for new extended descriptiontext field.
  • Entry info: Added support for new extended descriptiontext field.
  • Packaging slip: Added support for new extended descriptiontext field.

API v3.2.0 - 09-05-2016 [integrated into current]

  • Invoice mail: Added support for new template based BCC fields.
  • Invoice add: Added support for new template based BCC fields.
  • Packaging slip: Theoretical bugfix in rendering.

API v3.1.7 - 29-04-2016 [integrated into current]

  • Picklist projects: Minor bugfix.
  • Picklist projectitems: Minor bugfix.
  • Picklist costcenters: Minor bugfix.
  • Picklist costheadings: Minor bugfix.
  • Picklist accounts: Minor bugfix.

API v3.1.6 - 20-04-2016 [integrated into current]

  • Invoice PDF: Added translation support for foreign vat field from invoice template.

API v3.1.5 - 12-04-2016 [integrated into current]

  • Contact get: Bugfix in output XML.

API v3.1.4 - 07-03-2016 [integrated into current]

  • Internal refactoring.
  • Invoice add: Added missing retrieval from invoice template of name associated with email address.

API v3.1.3 - 26-01-2016 [integrated into current]

  • Contacts list: Bugfix for sporadic incorrect XML response.
  • Expense add: Bugfix for incorrect handling when applying vatfree expenses.
  • Picklist products: Bugfix missing handling of producttagid filter.

API v3.1.2 - 21-01-2016 [integrated into current]

  • Invoice add: Minor bugfix for not using template-preferred value regarding invoice total.
  • Project picklist: Minor bugfix when using projectid filter.

API v3.1.1 - 17-01-2016 [integrated into current]

  • Invoice payment status set: Improved handling on connector xml node.
  • Invoice payment status set: Improved logging to entryid notes.
  • Invoice payment status set: Added entryid in xml response.
  • Invoice add: Improved handling on connector xml node.
  • Invoice add: Improved logging to entryid notes.
  • Invoice add: Removed obsolete warning.
  • Expense add: Improved handling on connector xml node.
  • Expense add: Improved logging to entryid notes.
  • Invoice email or reminder: Improved handling on connector xml node.
  • Invoice email or reminder: Improved logging to entryid notes.
  • Entry update: Improved handling on connector xml node.
  • Entry update: Improved logging to entryid notes.
  • Trip add: Improved handling on connector xml node.
  • Trip add: Improved logging to entryid notes.

API v3.1.0 - 12-01-2016 [integrated into current]

  • Invoice add: Improve handling on connector xml node.
  • Connector feedback: Activated log to entryid when applicable.

API v3.0.7 - 11-01-2016 [integrated into current]

  • Invoice get PDF: Fix typo in response when requesting an invalid or unauthorized token.
  • Internal: Minor parse cleanup.
  • Internal: Minor foreign vat bugfix.

API v3.0.6 - 05-01-2016 [integrated into current]

  • Invoice add: Added concepttype option.
  • Picklist products: Added API-call to list all available standard products and services.
  • Picklist concepttypes: Added API-call to list all available concept type values.
  • Picklist producttags: Added API-call to list all available product tag values.
  • Picklist projects: Added projectid filter option to limit the output to a single project.

API v3.0.5 - 04-01-2016 [integrated into current]

  • Invoice add: Added feedback warning when adding invoices without any invoice-lines.

API v3.0.4 - 02-01-2016 [integrated into current]

  • Entry info: Added feedback warning when requesting specific information on empty invoices.
  • Invoice payment get status: Added feedback warning when requesting specific information on empty invoices.

API v3.0.3 - 21-12-2015 [integrated into current]

  • Invoice add: Bugfix by adding missing invoicenotes in specific non-email cases.

API v3.0.2 - 16-12-2015 [integrated into current]

  • Project picklist: Added projectcontactname.

API v3.0.1 - 14-12-2015 [integrated into current]

  • PDF invoices: Added support for alternate VAT-number description.
  • PDF invoices: Added support for alternate VAT-free description.
  • PDF invoices: Bugfix template fallback selection.
  • Entry update: Added contactid support.

API v3.0.0 - 26-11-2015 [integrated into current]

  • Project Manage: Added API-call.
  • Project Item Manage: Added API-call.
  • Picklist Projects: Added API-call.
  • Picklist Project Items: Added API-call.

API v2.5.8 - 17-11-2015 [integrated into current]

  • Invoice mail: Added support for ideal-link in e-mail text to reminders.

API v2.5.7 - 13-11-2015 [integrated into current]

  • Internal release.

API v2.5.6 - 11-11-2015 [integrated into current]

  • Invoice PDF: Added support for configurable offset below adres.
  • Packaging slip PDF: Added support for configurable offset below adres.
  • Contact Manage: Fix typo in warning message.
  • Contact Manage: Added missing warning message.
  • Entry Info: Added missing error message.
  • Invoice Add: Minor bugfix in handling error message for invalid email address.

API v2.5.5 - 06-11-2015 [integrated into current]

  • Invoice mail: Bugfix release.

API v2.5.4 - 02-11-2015 [integrated into current]

  • Contacts list: Added contactname1 and contactname2 fields.
  • Invoice PDF: Revert granularity change from 2.5.3.

API v2.5.3 - 29-10-2015 [integrated into current]

  • Invoice PDF: Improve granularity on rounding.

API v2.5.2 - 07-10-2015 [integrated into current]

  • Bugfix: Fix typo which created obscure invalid xml response.

API v2.5.1 - 21-09-2015 [integrated into current]

  • Entry info: Bugfix for deleted entries.
  • Entry info: Bugfix documentation for deleted xmlnode.

API v2.5.0 - 16-09-2015 [integrated into current]

  • Picklist countries: Added picklist API call for supported countries.
  • Minor header improvement in API-responses.

API v2.4.9 - 08-09-2015 [integrated into current]

  • Picklist trips: Added picklist API call for known trips retrieval.
  • Trips add: Added API call for registering business trips with privately owned vehicles.

API v2.4.8 - 03-09-2015 [integrated into current]

  • Invoice add: Added option to automatically disable duplicate contacts.
  • Invoice add: Added support for new invoicetemplate fields.
  • Invoice mail: Added support for new invoicetemplate fields.
  • Invoice PDF: Added support for new invoicetemplate fields.
  • Contacts list: Added contactstatus to response.
  • Contacts list: Added contactstatus xmlnode.
  • Contacts manage: Minor bugfix parsing status.

API v2.4.7 - 27-08-2015 [integrated into current]

  • Get PDF invoice: Minor bugfix in encoding.
  • Invoice add: Added support for nature xmlnode.
  • Invoice add: Added country xmlnode.
  • Invoice add: Fix typo in overwriteifexists parsing.
  • Invoice PDF: Added support for optional Nederland display.
  • Delivery packing slip: Added support for optional Nederland display.
  • Various: Improved mail handling.
  • General: Added support for special API usertype.

API v2.4.6 - 19-08-2015 [integrated into current]

  • Packaging slip: Bugfix phone number.

API v2.4.5 - 05-08-2015 [integrated into current]

  • Contacts list: Bugfix internal handling on contacttype for specific case.
  • Contacts list: Removal unneeded character in output.

API v2.4.4 - 31-07-2015 [integrated into current]

  • Invoice get PDF invoice: Minor enhancement.
  • Contact manage: Minor enhancement in warning message.
  • Contact manage: Bugfix internal handling on contacttype for specific case.

API v2.4.3 - 27-07-2015 [integrated into current]

  • Entry info API: Added paymentdate.
  • Entry info API: Bugfix not showing paymenttermdays.
  • Invoice paymentstatus get API: Added paymentdate.

API v2.4.2 - 23-07-2015 [integrated into current]

  • Contact manage API: Added support to set contactvattype as a default for a contact.
  • Contact manage API: Added support to set contactcostheadingid as a default for a contact.
  • Contacts list API: Added contactvattype and contactcostheadingid to output.
  • Contact get API: Added contactvattype and contactcostheadingid to output.
  • General system message API: Removed requirement for authentication.

API v2.4.1 - 21-07-2015 [integrated into current]

  • Accounts manage API: Added API-call to allow management of accounts / rekeningen.

API v2.4.0 - 19-07-2015 [integrated into current]

  • Entry delete status API: Added API-call to allow entries to be marked as deleted and moved onto the deleted entries stack or back.

API v2.3.4 - 04-06-2015 [integrated into current]

  • Contact get API: Provide FRST when contactsepaincassostatus is not set.

API v2.3.3 - 02-06-2015 [integrated into current]

  • Invoice add API: Throw error message when not providing valid countrycode on locationcode3.
  • Contact manage API: Allow contactsepamandatedate to be empty when not applicable.
  • Contact get API: Provide truly empty contactsepamandatedate when applicable.

API v2.3.2 - 31-05-2015 [integrated into current]

  • Contact manage API: Removed mandatory constraints from contactemail xml-node.

API v2.3.1 - 29-05-2015 [integrated into current]

  • Contact get API: Provide default contactsepamandatenr when not set.

API v2.3.0 - 28-04-2015 [integrated into current]

  • Invoice add API: Throw deprecation warning when locationcode equals 3 and countrycode is empty or missing.
  • Invoice add API: Bugfix for default vatratebase setting on creation of contact.
  • Expense add API: Removal of unused locationcode xml-node.
  • Several documentation fixes.

API v2.2.1 - 26-04-2015 [integrated into current]

  • Invoice add API: Minor textual fix in invoice note field.
  • Invoice paymentstatus set API: Automatically activate associated accountnumber when the account has been marked as inactive.
  • Invoice add API: Automatically activate provided or determined accountnumber when marked as inactive.
  • Expense add API: Automatically activate provided or determined accountnumber when marked as inactive.

API v2.2.0 - 25-04-2015 [integrated into current]

  • Contact get API: Added contactinvoicenotes to response.
  • Contact get API: Added contactsepamandatenr to response.
  • Contact get API: Added contactsepamandatedate to response.
  • Contact get API: Added contactsepaincassostatus to response.
  • Enry info API: Align accountnumber node instead of accountid.
  • Enry update API: Align accountnumber node instead of accountid.

API v2.1.2 - 21-04-2015 [integrated into current]

  • Contact manage API: Do not send warnings on empty contactbic.

API v2.1.1 - 14-04-2015 [integrated into current]

  • Invoice add API: Added support for multiline invoicenotes xml-node to API-call.
  • Invoice add API: Textual enhancement of generated notes.
  • Invoice add API: Minor enhancement when using vattype 5.
  • Invoice mail API: Added support for multiline invoicenotes xml-node to API-call.
  • Invoice mail API: Fix to prevent notes reset on mail-out.
  • Invoice mail API: Textual enhancement of generated notes.

API v2.1.0 - 08-04-2015 [integrated into current]

  • Expense add API: Added new API-call.

API v2.0.17 - 04-04-2015 [integrated into current]

  • Improved sanitation.

API v2.0.16 - 02-04-2015 [integrated into current]

  • Invoice mail API: Fix newline handling in message node.
  • Invoice add API: Fix newline handling in message node.

API v2.0.15 - 10-03-2015 [integrated into current]

  • Contact get API: Fix incorrect ISO-countrycode response.
  • General: Minor internal processing enhancement.

API v2.0.14 - 27-02-2015 [integrated into current]

  • Invoice info API: Added missing escapes causing sporadic invalidated XML-response.

API v2.0.13 - 25-02-2015 [integrated into current]

  • General: Improve retrieval of old invoice tokens.

API v2.0.12 - 24-02-2015 [integrated into current]

  • Entry info API: Added missing escapes causing sporadic invalidated XML-response.

API v2.0.11 - 04-02-2015 [integrated into current]

  • Minor internal restructure.

API v2.0.10 - 03-02-2015 [integrated into current]

  • Added Entry update API: New feature available to alter some entry details.

API v2.0.9 - 03-02-2015 [integrated into current]

  • Contact get API: Update contacttype, contractcountry and contactabout fields.

API v2.0.8 - 29-01-2015 [integrated into current]

  • Invoice mail API: Minor enhancements in handling.
  • Documentation: Invoice mail API improve documentation in emailaspdf section.
  • General: Improve feedback for specific tokens.

API v2.0.7 - 20-01-2015 [integrated into current]

  • Invoice add API: Minor enhancement in Reply-to header.
  • Invoice mail API: Minor invoicetype detection fix.
  • Documentation: Invoice add API improve documentation on emailfrom tag.

API v2.0.6 - 16-01-2015 [integrated into current]

  • General: Improve relaying of mailer daemon messages.

API v2.0.5 - 15-01-2015 [integrated into current]

  • Invoice add API: Minor bugfix for printing vat numbers.
  • Invoice add API: Minor bugfix for sorting invoice lines.
  • Invoice add API: Minor bugfix for printing template names.

API v2.0.4 - 07-01-2015 [integrated into current]

  • General: Allow for +-symbol in interpretation of the local-part of an email address.
  • Invoice add API: Improved granularity in iDEAL generated tokens.

API v2.0.3 - 18-12-2014 [integrated into current]

  • Contact manage API: Bugfix in contactcountrycode handling.

API v2.0.2 - 17-12-2014 [integrated into current]

  • Minor changes to support improved backend.

API v2.0.1 - 16-12-2014 [integrated into current]

  • Invoice add API: minor bugfixes.
  • Documentation: Invoice add API more explicit about vattypes.

API v2.0.0 - 13-12-2014 [integrated into current]

  • Invoice add API: Added support for foreign VAT / vattype 6.
  • Invoice add API: Added filters to allow fallback vatrates when using foreign VAT.
  • Invoice get PDF invoice API: Added foreign VAT to PDF-markup.
  • Entry info API: Added foreignvat xml-node to output.
  • Contact get API: removed obsolete countactcountyid xml-node..
  • Documentation: Invoice add API updates.
  • Documentation: Contact get API updates.
  • Documentation: Entry info API updates.
  • Documentation: Updated authentication descriptions.
  • General: Improved warning message when hitting test-account limitations.
  • Reworked routines for vatrates.
  • Reworked routines for ISO 3166-1 countrycodes.

API v1.26.0 - 03-12-2014 [integrated into current]

  • Invoice add API: Added support for contactid.
  • Invoice add API: Added support for contactyourid.

API v1.24.1 - 24-11-2014 [integrated into current]

  • Invoice add API: Added support for testmode runs.

API v1.24.0 - 21-11-2014 [integrated into current]

  • Added support for additional template fields to PDF invoice.
  • Added support for additional template fields to PDF reminders.
  • Added support for additional template fields to PDF packaging slip.

API v1.22.1 - 20-11-2014 [integrated into current]

  • Contact Manage API: Fixed typos in some XML-warnings.
  • Contact Manage API: Added support for contactabout.
  • Contact Manage API: Added support for contactinvoicenotes.
  • Contact Manage API: Added contactyourid to XML-response.

API v1.22 - 13-11-2014 [integrated into current]

  • Invoice add API: Added missing feedback on specific broken emailto and emailbcc sets.
  • Invoice add API: Several documentation fixes.
  • Invoice add API: Improved pickup of fancy emailfrom from template.
  • Invoice add API: Bugfix. Removed empty message dependency for fancy emailfrom.
  • Invoice add API: More robust delivery by improved honoring of modern SPF-policies when sending out email.
  • Invoice add API: Be more strict when supplying duplicate erroneous emailfrom tags.
  • Added vattype 6 to vattype picklist API.

API v1.20.3 - 12-11-2014 [integrated into current]

  • Added VAT-info lookup API call.

API v1.20.2 - 09-11-2014 [integrated into current]

  • Added contactyourid to contact_get.php response.
  • Added contactyourid to contacts_list.php response.
  • Added support for new TLD-style domains in email related tags.

API v1.20.1 - 03-11-2014 [integrated into current]

  • Added new contact_manage.php API call.
  • Improved reporting on specific xml input errors.
  • Additional error reporting when submitting duplicate xml tags.

API v1.18.4 - 24-10-2014 [integrated into current]

  • Minor enhancement to allow for quarterly tags in repeating invoices.

API v1.18.3 - 29-09-2014 [integrated into current]

  • Added contactemail to contacts list API-call.
  • Added contacttelephone to contacts list API-call.
  • Improved xml response when requesting details on deleted entries.

API v1.18.2 - 21-06-2014 [integrated into current]

  • Added entry-info API-call to retrieve detailed information about an Acumulus entry.
  • Minor bugfix when generating warnings.
  • Minor improvements in XML-response of invoice mail API-call.
  • Bugfix on PDF-invoices allowing once removed but restored invoices to be retrieved again.
  • Bugfix to properly display iDEAL reference on invoices.

API v1.18.1 - 25-04-2014 [integrated into current]

  • Added entryid to the response of the invoice add API-call.

API v1.18 - 22-04-2014 [integrated into current]

  • Improved date format display as per user-configuration.
  • Improved number format display as per user-configuration.

API v1.16.3 - 16-04-2014 [integrated into current]

  • Added a My Acumulus call to general section.

API v1.16.2 - 11-04-2014 [integrated into current]

  • Added contactaddress1 and contactaddress2 to contacts list call.

API v1.16.1 - 21-03-2014 [integrated into current]

  • Backend updates.

API v1.16 - 11-02-2014 [integrated into current]

  • Added API calls to enlist outgoing and incoming invoices on a per contact basis.

API v1.14 - 07-02-2014 [integrated into current]

  • Added feature to delivery packing slip to allow some customization.

API v1.12 - 26-01-2014 [integrated into current]

  • Improved feedback when using invalid XML-control characters.

API v1.11 - 03-12-2013 [integrated into current]

  • Correctly process template and costcenter settings upon concept invoicing.
  • Allow emailbcc tag to be omitted in invoice add API-call.

API v1.10 - 30-10-2013 [integrated into current]

  • Added support to include clientgegevens on PDF invoices.
  • Minor code cleanup.

API v1.8 - 18-10-2013 [integrated into current]

  • Added feedback support
  • Pakbon and delivery improvements
  • Minor picture fix

API v1.6 - 23-09-2013 [integrated into current]

  • Minor restructuring invoice add API-call
  • Fixed minor PDF rendering annoyance

API v1.4 - 22-09-2013 [integrated into current]

  • Improved support for invoiced with removed templates using fall-back approach
  • Better token-filtering
  • Bug-fixes and code enhancements
  • Documentation updates

API v1.2 - 07-08-2013 [integrated into current]

  • Restored and restructured invoice email API-call.
  • New API-call to allow you to update invoice payment status.
  • Add support for selecting contacttype in contacts_list.php.
  • New API-call to generate a simple packing slip (pakbon) based on an already available invoice.
  • Some small bugfixes and code enhancements

API v1.0 - 08-07-2013 [integrated into current]

Below an overview of the changes that have been made to the legacy API.
  • All API-calls have been relocated to a new path/location.
  • Heavily revised and detailed warning and error feedback.
  • Introduction of API-versions in order to improve backwards compatibility.
  • The JSON format can now be requested as part of the XML-structure using the < format > tag.
  • The < respons > tag has been replaced with the < response > tag.
  • All API-call are within the < response > tag.
  • The < code > tag has been replaced with the < contractcode > tag.
  • The token to identify (PDF) invoices has been renamed from "t" to "token".
  • The emailonerror and emailonwarning tags have been integrated into all API-calls.
  • The < email_onerror > tag was renamed to < emailonerror >.
  • The maximum size for posting a dataset into our API has been set to 16 megabytes. Please drop us a line if you intend to offer larger datasets.
    Invoice Add
  • The invoice add API call will only process a single contract. If you want more contracts to be processed you will need to make multiple API requests.
  • The invoice add API call will only process a single invoice. If you want more invoices to be processed you will need to make multiple API requests.
  • The invoice add API call will only process a single customer. If you want more customers to be processed you will need to make multiple API requests.
  • paymentstatus codes have been aligned with other api-calls.
  • The < quantity > tag within the < line > section of the invoice add API now defaults to 1.
  • The < unitprice > tag within the < line > section of the invoice add API now defaults to 1.
  • The < costheading > tag has been renamed to < costcenter > to avoid further confusion.
  • Removed unused costcenterdescription tag from documentation
  • The costcenter and costheading picklists have been renamed to costtype and costcenter to avoid further confusion. The tagnames of the xml-responses have been renamed accordingly.
  • The < balanceperaccount > tag has been renamed to < accountbalances >.
  • The < totalaccountbalance > tag has been renamed to < accountbalancestotal >.
  • Added < accountbalancesyear > to the XML-response for the accountbalances report.
  • The filter=overdue parameter in the unpaid debtors report has been renamed to < due > with an option of 0 or 1.
  • Rather rare invoices with an empty input date are by default included in the unpaid debtors report to easy notification and correction.
  • The optional "q" search-parameter has been renamed to "filter".
  • The filter now includes matches against the city.